Saturday, January 17, 2009

new red hair
pictures taken by courtney

Monday, January 5, 2009

ATTENTION: all single ladies

welcome the new single lady into the group

kyle's mom finally one

but this fight isnt over
i will fight for love

and i love him

this wont be the last she sees of me or hears from me

i hate moms

but if is meant to be then it is meant to be

love is love

Friday, December 19, 2008

yay kyle is here
and we drove back to orlando last night arriving at 2am

it was a long ride
but very worth it

today we set up the tree and decorated the apartment it looks amazing
tomorrow is the christmas party here

time to make cookies and cupcakes

this years christmas is going to be the best i believe

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

so tomorrow me and kyle are going back to orlando. he flies in at 7:45pm and then we are getting in the Kia to head to orlando. I am so excited i miss everyone up there so much and i miss my bed.
i just bought a christmas tree and some awesome decorations so we are going to decorate for our little party on saturday night that we are having.

yay back to the good times
i cant wait to see him and celebrate everything with him

i love u kyle
lets make the apartment fun and beautiful tomorrow

Monday, December 15, 2008

The countdown has started
kyle will be here in Ft Myers for christmas and new years in 3 days.

I am so excited
I cant wait
I miss him like crazy

Oh also christmas party is on the 20th so stand by on pictures on the nights festivities on that one

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Christmas List for Santa

here is my Christmas list for the year 2008
The love of my life to come down and visit:
A Nikon d300
A MacBook
Things from American Eagle:
A deep V sweater
A hoodie cardigan
Perfume..this one
Things from Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters
Torri Boots by Pesaro:
This new cell phone:
i have metropcs soooo...ya know
gift cards to:

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hey everyone its been a long time since i wrote in this but i am getting back on track and there is going to be a lot of new blogs

but to tell you what is going on

i started my video blog on youtube

so check it out

its getting big so leave some comments and tell me what u think

Thursday, September 18, 2008

so i love it when you pour your heart out to someone and u give them everything you have...and it just isnt enough for them to give you the time in day...

i have done everything for the one i love and i dont get anything back
i have made our life as stress free and lovely as possible
and i dont even get a thank you
or a
jeez ashlee you ar wonderful and amazing and what would i do without you

i use to get flowers, candy, hugs, kisses all the time and i didnt even have to ask

now i practically have to beg for them

its sad i know and i dont deserve it and i should leave him
but what do u do when the one thing u should leave is the one thing you want more than anything in this world

i guess i just have to keep fighting and maybe someday it will be over
cause it is getting boring

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Here is what my Model Mayhem looks like....
go check it out