Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sci-Fi Hero/Villian

In my opinion I believe that Tobey Maguire from “Spider-Man” is the best Sci-Fi character. He is the biggest geek on earth and he feels out of place, like he doesn’t belong to anything but his dear grandma feels he is extraordinary and has talent. The he gets bitten by a spider that gives him these powers and instead of a typical person he uses them for good and doesn’t take advantage of the powers. He uses his powers to save people from burning buildings being stuck on bridges. And in his story of Spider-Man he also remains strong and faces his worst enemy; which also is his best friend and his father but he remains strong and saves the day every time.
In my eyes I feel the best villain is the White Witch in the Chronicles of Narnia. When you meet the White Witch she takes you in makes you feel good so you can trust her. She will do anything to get you to like her or trust her. She will become thoughtful, nice, caring, and a motherly figure. But then when she has you in her arms, just where she wants you she will become this evil thing and will backstab, betray, become malaises, and also manipulate you in to doing whatever she wants you to do. So I feel she is the best villain based on how cruel she can be to people when they consider her a mother a friend. And like most villains she loses the fight and dies in the end of the story.

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