Friday, December 1, 2006

Horror Film Blog

I feel that Saw 3 is the horror film that will end all horror films. Reason for this theory of mine is because when I saw it in the theaters, everyone in the theater were jumping out of their seats in such fright; from seeing all the contraptions and all the gore involved in each scene. I even saw a couple people leave the theater room holding their mouths and stomachs. Basically they were probably going to the restroom to do a number 4, puke. I particularly thought it was hilarious seeing all the insane ways they decided to have characters die or risk their life on finding a way out of not dying, from the contraptions or events that led to their deaths. Now I chose this film because sitting their in the theater I a movie lover sat their and actually felt the pain, and could even taste the blood in my mouth and could feel all the cracking of my bones when all the characters were feeling and having the things happen to them. That was what hit me the most how they designed it to have an effect on everyone who watches it. You feel what the characters feel.

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