Friday, December 8, 2006

Industry Blog

The film industry has been expanding for some time now; bring out all different types of movies and different types of genres for movies. As of right now there really isn’t a genre that is seen more or least; but in the future I feel that there will be more action/suspense movies seen. The reason on why I feel this way is because there is so much that is going on in the world today with wars and conflicts that it gives filmmakers excellent ideas on action/suspense movies for the future. Now for a writer it maybe hard for him/her to write a action/suspense film, but if they see what is going on in the world around them they can defiantly branch off of that and make a superb movie.
The least genre I feel that will be seen in the future would defiantly have to be Sci-Fi. It maybe because its not my particular film to see or it maybe because I don’t really see them going to far with it. I really don’t know; but when I had to decide what was the least that was the first thing that popped in my head. To be honest I really don’t know what genre will be the most seen and what genre will be the least seen in the future, because that’s all in the future.

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