Thursday, January 11, 2007

Lab 3 Dangerous Predicament

Marissa and her friends just got done doing the usual go bowling, see a movie, and walk on the beach type of night. But the night was still young; Marissa and her friends were ready to party. They were up and ready to go, they all wanted to get wasted; so they decided to have someone go and get beer and liquor while they waited at Shelly’s house. Marissa being the only one who was old enough to by alcohol decided to go even though she wasn’t going to drink, because she was the designated driver for the night. So the girls all pitched in and gave Marissa money to go and get the booze from the closest liquor store or gas station. Marissa got into her car and drove into the night to find the closest store to by the alcohol.
HESS was lit up in lights and Marissa pulled into the parking lot and walked in very casually. She didn’t want anyone to look at her or talk to her. Marissa was always scared going to stores at night, but she went to the store anyways. She walked in to find that there was no one in the store except for the guy behind the register. She went to the back where the beer was grab to big cases and slowly walked to the register to pay. When she got to the register she notice that a guy just walked in. He was young, good looking, and seemed like a nice guy by the way he was dress.
$37.50 the man said. Marissa gave the man the $40.00, got her change, and proceed to try and pick up the cases again. But this time she was having troubles holding them. The good looking guy was getting ready to leave the store, I guess he didn’t find what he was looking for, but then asked if he could help Marissa out to her car with all of the beer. Marissa willingly said “Yeah thanks”.
When they got to Marissa’s car she open the back seat and put the cases in. Marissa just said thanks. And started to walk around the car to get in. Yet, the man followed her and told her it was not a problem. It seemed as if the man wanted something more he wanted to say something or do something; Marissa really couldn’t figure it out. When Marissa got around her car to where she was just about to open the door the man grabbed her and held her mouth and said, “Don’t scream and I won’t hurt you.” Marissa didn’t know what to do. Was he going to kill her or did he want money. Marissa began to kick her legs and try and force her self out from him but she couldn’t he was just to strong. He began to drag her to his car, threw her in the back seat, and slammed the door behind. He proceeded to get into the car and he said, “Sit down and Shut up, and maybe I will think about having you live to see another day.” Marissa was petrified she didn’t know what to do how was she going to get out of this one. She slowly raised her body to look out the window to see where he was taking her. She notice that he was driving in the same direction as her friend Shelly lived. That’s also where all the girls were waiting for her to return. He wasn’t driving fast he was actually driving pretty slow for just kidnapping someone. He was smart he didn’t want to get pulled over. Marissa looked at the door to see if it was locked and it wasn’t he obviously wasn’t that smart because he left the door unlocked. Marissa saw that they were passing Shelly’s development to her house. What was Marissa going to do she wanted to get out of this car she had to make a jump for it. Marissa took in a deep breath then open the door and rolled onto the gravel. The man slammed on his brake and tried to turn the car around but Marissa was out of sight. She ran as fast and as hard as she could until she got to Shelly’s house. Finally, she open the door, ran inside and slammed the door behind her and locked all the locks, and even pushed a table in front of the door so no one could get in so that awful man couldn’t get in. Marissa was tried she began to sit on the cold floor; her friends came to comfort her and listen to everything that had happened they couldn’t believe it. But it did happen.

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