Thursday, January 11, 2007

Lab 4 Confusion

It was just like any other day people would wake up to their annoying alarm clocks, stretch their bodies higher than possible, stumble down the stairs to the coffee pot to make some coffee, and take their morning shower. Or at least that is what Justin would do. Justin thought he was just like any other guy. He wanted what guys wanted, he needed what guys needed, and he did what guys did. But Justin always had this thought in the back of his mind that he was different from the other guys he would hang out with.
On a Saturday night Justin and the guys decided to go clubbing and find some ladies. They all took their showers made them selves look presentable and hit the town for a night out. The first club they went to was filled with beautiful ladies some were on the bars dancing, some were the waitresses, and some were even on this stage warping their bodies around these steal poles. Justin wondered if they were cold because the temperature in the building was freezing and since the girls were half naked he wondered if they were cold. Justin and the guys found a table right in front sat there and ordered their first rounds for the night. Now all of the guys were cheering and whistling at these ladies. Justin didn’t understand why, but he didn’t anyways just to fit in. Justin couldn’t believe everything that was happening to him their were ladies grinding up on him, sitting on his lap, pulling him into rooms, taking his money, and give him some form of pleasure that didn’t effect him in that way. He didn’t know what was going on and whatever it was he didn’t like it. So he decided to leave the building and catch some air.
When Justin walked out in the warm air that was outside; he got this tinkling feeling rush through his body. It felt better than the naked ladies rubbing their private parts all on Justin. He didn’t like that and he didn’t know why his guy friends did. Justin slowly began to walk down the narrow lightly litted street; trying to recuperate from everything that has happen this evening. While walking down he saw people who were laughing and talking loudly coming out from this door that was hidden. Justin was a very curious man and wondered what was going on in that door if people were walking out like that. Was it another club? Was it a restaurant, Was it one of the “rave” things that he heard about? As any curious man would do he would investigate. So he began to walk in when this tall dark man who was built like an ox stops him. “Can I see some ID” the man asked. Justin slowly pulled out his wallet, to get his ID, handed it to the man, and walked into the door.
When Justin walked through the door and down the long hallway he reached to the end where it open up to massive amounts of people dancing, kissing, drinking, and just enjoying one another company. Justin didn’t know where to go; so then he decided he needed a drink and he needed it fast. Justin scanned the room to find a bar, he spotted one walked over and ask for scotch on the rocks. The bartender hand him the drink and he chugged it till it was gone. A man that was sitting next to him said unexpectedly, “You like your liquor hard I see, same here. What’s your name? Mine is Alex.” Justin replied back saying his name. The two of them began to have this deep intense conversation. They talked about everything and got along so well. Alex asked Justin if he wanted to dance but Justin didn’t know how too. Alex said, “Then I will have to teach you”. The two of them went out to the dance floor and Alex grabbed Justin by the hips and had him move his hips. For some reason this didn’t bother Justin; having a man touch him like this. After about two songs Justin was a prow at the dancing thing. They danced all night till it was time to leave. Justin was having so much fun with this guy that he wanted to continue the fun so he invited Alex back to his place. And of course Alex went with him. When they arrive at the house; Justin put on some music poured some wine and they party all night long.
Then the next morning when Justin woke up in his bed he smelt something that smelt familiar. He sniffed his sheets and all that Justin could smell was an aroma of cologne that he loved oh so very much. It was the mans cologne, it was Alex’s cologne. Justin finally realized that he was gay. And from this night on he lived by that.

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